The FLYDYNON logo can use the following colors. Primarily the logo should be used on a white background for maximum impact and clarity. Never attempt to recreate the logo - always use the artwork provided and adhere to our usage guidelines.
The Dynon Logo
The Dynon logo can use three colors: Dynon Blue, black, and white. Primarily the logo should be used on a white background for maximum impact and clarity. Never attempt to recreate the logo - always use the artwork provided and adhere to our usage guidelines.
The Dynon Certified Logo
The Dynon Certified logo is to be used with Dynon's line of certified systems. The Dynon Certified logo can use the following colors. Primarily the logo should be used on a white background for maximum impact and clarity. Never attempt to recreate the logo - always use the artwork provided and adhere to our usage guidelines.
Advanced Flight Systems Logo
The AFS logo can use three colors: Red/Black, black, and white. Primarily the logo should be used on a white background for maximum impact and clarity. Never attempt to recreate the logo - always use the artwork provided and adhere to our usage guidelines.
The Product Logos
Primarily the logos should be used on a white background for maximum impact and clarity. Never attempt to recreate the logo - always use the artwork provided and adhere to our usage guidelines.