Dynon SkyView Hands-On Transition Training

We all recognize that transition training is important before hopping into a new airplane or airplane type. Whether in the clouds or in clear skies, flying a new plane is not the right time to be learning how to operate aircraft avionics and systems. To help you in your transition to new Dynon Avionics instruments we are offering an ongoing series of hands-on training. These are typically half-day courses, sitting in front of live SkyView equipment, and with in depth instruction on how to operate your avionics. Instructing these classes will be Kirk Kleinholz, CFII and Sales Manager for Dynon Avionics.

This class will introduce pilots to most ground and in-flight operational features of the Dynon Avionics SkyView system. In-depth discussion of installation and initial configuration of the system is not an objective of this class, though some of those concepts will be addressed where relevant.

An additional objective of this class is to educate pilots about the process of transitioning from analog instrumentation to glass panel systems in a small GA aircraft. Including the cognitive differences of analog and digital/electronic instrumentation, cockpit resource management, etc.

Video Training Classes

Video Training Classes

For training at home, we recorded one of our interactive classes at our factory. The full series of 6 videos - with over 4 hours of video traning content - can be streamed from The Dynon Channel.

These comprehensive videos feature hours of classroom content and the same material as our in person, hands-on training.

Part 1:
Button Pushing and Knob Twisting
Part 2:
Menus, Feature Overview, and Buttons

Part 3:
Moving Map Basics
Part 4:
Start-up & Taxi / Primary Flight

Part 5:
Autopilot Basics
Part 6:
Flight Planning and Additional Features

Subscribe to the Dynon Channel to make sure you get the upcoming episodes in this series.

Tech Tips and Training

Tech Tips and Training
Secondary ADAHRS Mounting Plate
Tech Tips Servo Install Part 1
Tech Tips: Installing the Autopilot Servo Limiting Bracket

Tech Tips: Autopilot Servo Shear Screw Replacement
Dynon SkyView and ForeFlight Mobile Wi-Fi Connectivity

Dynon Playlists

Dynon Playlists

SkyView System - "How To" Feature Training
Tech Tips

SkyView Autopilot - Expert Mode
SkyView GPS Moving Map and Navigator Features

SkyView Training Class

In-Person Classes

In-Person Class Schedule

We do not currently have classes scheduled at our Woodinville, WA headquarters, but we are constantly adding additional training videos to The Dynon Channel. Subscribe to the Dynon Channel to be notified of new videos as they are added.

Keep watching this page and subscribe to our newsletter for information about future classes.